C.J. was referred to the San Francisco Human Services Agency when his only daughter was born with methamphetamines in her system. The child had been removed from both of her parents’ care. Although C.J. was not using substances, he was homeless, and the child’s mother had an extensive history with Child Protective Services. Family Support Services enrolled C.J. in the Family Preservation Program’s SafeCare program and worked with him weekly to help him not only stay in compliance with Child Protective Services, but to educate him about the developmental needs and stages of an infant. C.J.’s daughter was delayed in her fine and gross motor skills, and in her speech, and Family Support Services provided training to C.J. in how to help her improve her crawling and walking, and educated him about the importance of speaking and reading to her. By the end of the program, the daughter was able to stand and begin walking by herself, and she was vocalizing much more. With the Family Preservation Program’s help and guidance, C.J. progressed through the program and moved from highly supervised to unsupervised visits with his daughter at her foster home. By the end of services, C.J. was reunified with his daughter and has moved from an SRO to a stable room. Having done SafeCare was one of the convincing reasons that the County was able to return the child, and is one the success stories that makes us come to work each day.